Building and rehabilitation of levees

Water is our workspace. We know it, we can work with it, often using its power. In recent years we have also learned how to protect ourselves against it. In our flood protection and river regulation work, we build new flood protection embankments and improve and optimise the height and structure of existing ones. We also carry out the water and road transport and installation of fill material for the construction of levees, as well as the construction of the pavement layer. We build flood mitigating structures, new embankment walls or repair and maintain existing ones. We can also be relied upon to draw up the plans required for the construction work and to carry out the relevant soil mechanics tests.

Press monitoring

Source: A-hí - 2023.03.03.

The missing monument elements of the Chain Bridge are being lifted into place from a barge

Illustrated report on the restoration work carried out at Lánchíd.

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Source: Magyar Építő - 2022.12.28. 14:49

The giant floating crane plays a key role in the new milestone of the Paks Danube Bridge – video

The work process of raising the formwork trolley was captured on video at the Danube Bridge in Paks.

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Source: Növekedé - 2022. 03. 16.

What kind of monster anchors on the Danube at the Rákóczi bridge? We watched it!

Interview with our managing director, Zoltán Kállai.

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