Construction Industry Awards

Industrial Innovation Award 2006. Dunaújváros Danube Bridge close

The „Dunaújváros Danube Bridge”, a joint project of Hídépítő Speciál Kft., Ganzacél Zrt., the Department of Bridges and Structures of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics and Barabás Engineering Ltd., won the 2006 Industrial Innovation Award in 2007.

VINCI Innovation Awards 2007 open
Tierney clark Díj 2007- Dunaújváros Pentele Bridge open
Construction Industry Award of Excellence 2012 - Móra Ferenc Bridge in Szeged open
Construction Industry Award of Excellence 2016 - Modernisation of the Flood Emergency Reservoir in Kisdelta open
Construction Industry Award 2017 - Development of the Flood Protection System in the City Centre of Szeged open
Construction Industry Award of Excellence 2021 - Monostori Bridge open

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