GINOP (Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme)_PLUSZ-1.2.3-21-2022-00166
VEKOP (Competitive Central Hungary Operational Programme) -1.2.6-20-2020-00659
Purchase of New Equipment Resulting in Technological Improvements at HSP Ltd
GINOP (Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme)_PLUS-1.2.3-21-2022-00166
Name of beneficiary: | HSP Hídépítő Speciál Építőipari Ltd. |
Subject of the development: | „Purchase of new equipment resulting in technological improvements at HSP Ltd.” |
Aim: | With the help of the machinery acquired during the project, we are able to carry out riverbed corrections during water works. We use renewable energy to modernise the heating of the office on the site. |
Amount of the contracted grant: | 124 848 571 HUF |
Detailed description of the project content:
With the purchase of a long reach dredger as part of the project, our company will be able to carry out the necessary corrections to the river bed following the water survey, while the front-end loader will be used to manipulate the dredged material on board the barges. The demolition hammer can be used to demolish cemented breakwaters and bank protection rocks, as well as reinforced concrete structures, which is no longer possible with a conventional dredger bucket. In addition to the purchase of equipment, the heating of the on-site office was modernised using renewable energy. As part of the consultancy, we are developing our existing online platforms and adding new ones to make our activities more widely known. Training will be used to develop our employees working on the implementation site.
Actual project completion date: 12.09. 2022
Improvement of the Scope and Quality of Services by Acquisition of Equipment and Intangible Assets at HSP Kft
VEKOP (Competitive Central Hungary Operational Programme) -1.2.6-20-2020-00659
HSP Hídépítő Speciál Építőipari Kft.’s application for support under the Competitive Central Hungary Operational Programme, entitled „Improvement of the Scope and Quality of Services by Acquisition of Equipment and Intangible Assets at HSP Kft”, VEKOP-1.2.6-20-2020-00659, was deemed worthy of support by the Head of the Managing Authority of Regional Development Programmes on the basis of the decision of 24 August 2020.
We purchased equipment and intangible assets under the project. Our main goal was to provide our technical staff with computers and applications that meet the needs of the times and the increasingly complex demands of professional tasks, enabling our engineers to work, design and model on site and at home during bridge construction. We have therefore acquired design software and portable workstations and laptops. The central server with its associated operating system helps us to manage the ever-growing data files and to work from home if necessary.
In order to develop specialised water construction activities, we have purchased barge-mounted pumps and aggregators, which are used on site to position and stabilise the barges.
In compliance with the conditions set out in the call for proposals, the project was started on 13 March 2020, before the entry into force of the grant agreement, with the conclusion of the sales contract for the purchase of MAAG aggregators. The procurement was carried out continuously from 13.03.2020. The selected suppliers have fulfilled the orders smoothly. The purchased machines, IT equipment and software were activated and installed at our headquarters in Alsónémedi, the project implementation site, and the staff put the equipment into use.
The assets were fully activated and operational by 31 March 2021, thus the project is physically completed. As a result of the grant, the technical and professional level of our company has been raised, our orders are fulfilled to a higher standard, which also contributed to maintaining our headcount during the implementation period of the grant.
Project data: | |
Beneficiary: | HSP Hídépítő Speciál Építőipari Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság |
Project title: | Improvement of the Scope and Quality of Services by Acquisition of Equipment and Intangible Assets at HSP Kft |
Project ID number: | VEKOP-1.2.6-20-2020-00659 |
Project site: | 2351 Alsónémedi, 2405/4 hrsz. |
Grant system: | Competitive Central Hungary Operational Programme |
Application framework: | VEKOP-1.2.6-20 – Support for the development of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises to adapt to modern business and production challenges |
Amount of the contracted grant: | 19 623 917 HUF conditionally repayable grant |
Rate of grant: | 70% |
Physical completion date of the project: | 31 March 2021. |
Development of a Floating Platform System Consisting of Steel Floats and a Composite Fibre-reinforced Concrete Deck of Variable Thickness on a Unique Lightweight Space Lattice Fixed to the Floats
Name of beneficiary: Consortium leader: HSP Kft.; Consortium member: Hídtechnika Kft.
Project title: Development of a Floating Platform System Consisting of Steel Floats and a Composite Fibre-reinforced Concrete Deck of Variable Thickness on a Unique Lightweight Space Lattice Fixed to the Floats
Amount of the contracted grant: 396 617 668 HUF, of which the grant awarded to HSP Hídépítő Speciál Építőipari Kft. is: 272 991 760 HUF
Rate of grant (in %): 66.72 %.
Description of the project content:
In recent years, in view of the high level of interest and the large-scale concept plans for waterfront development, development projects have been launched in Hungary to create floating platforms with innovative structures and different technical solutions for different uses and purposes (e.g. small floating platforms with a primarily residential function; large-scale river floating platforms).
The aim of the present research is to develop a floating system with innovative content, a unique structural design and a unique technical solution, consisting of:
- a steel substructure system with a very small draft – preferably less than 1 m,
- a low-maintenance steel lattice supporting structure with special corrosion protection (50-year maintenance-free) and a high-strength composite concrete deck structure of approximately 6-8 cm thickness, with a unique material technology, developed in conjunction with the steel lattice supporting structure, which is corrosion-resistant due to its high strength and provides a 50-year maintenance-free life,
- and whose uniquely developed structural design meets the requirements of continuous, lift-free operation (dismantling during operation, and partial slide-out of the floats below deck for testing purposes, and replaceability).
The floating structure system is designed to accommodate commercial, residential or even community functions, taking into account the needs of the user and the versatility of the use, and is prepared to accommodate single or multi-storey lightweight superstructures. The planned floating structure may have a useful floor area of up to 280-300 square metres in horizontal terms, taking into account the shoreline and riverbed conditions, and the current patterns. It could therefore be used for on-water catering and other commercial activities.
In order to test the global behaviour of the floating substructure and its on-board structure, the operation of the novel details (connections), the dismantling and disassembly of the substructure under buoyancy conditions, the assembly and launching of a prototype of approximately 12 m x 6 m, with a surface area of approximately 72 m2, was planned, ready for movement in the water and for experimental testing.
By measuring the forces acting on a prototype of this size, the typical behaviour of the structure can be observed and measured, and the appropriate empirical conclusions can be drawn. On this scale, the performance of all innovative, individual detail solutions can also be tested by carrying out an experiment as designed, recorded and documented with appropriate measurements.
Following the procurement of materials to assemble the prototype structure, it will be assembled and launched on an experimental site on the water surface of a port in a bay on the Danube in Budapest.
Planned completion date of the project: 31.12. 2020
Project ID number: 2018-1.1.2-KFI-2018-00104
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